Should You Switch from Flothemes to Showit?

Should You Switch From Flothemes to Showit?

If you have a Flothemes website and you haven’t heard the news, they’ve decided to shut it down. During a few years of my photography business, I was an absolute Flothemes super-fan and even helped friends create their websites on this WordPress-based platform!

I’m assuming that the insane small business movement to Showit has something to do with their dissolving, but the question is… do you need to panic-move-away from Flotheme and go to Showit, like yesterday?

In short, the answer is no to the panic, but ‘it would be for the best’ to moving over to the bright side.

Don’t Panic: Flothemes has made it clear that your website will stay live, but that there will be no updates nor adding any of their canvases to your site – so if you’re someone who loves to keep their website fresh and beautiful, you may want to start the process of moving over, but your site isn’t going to disappear.

But it would be for the best: The thing that worries me is looming future WordPress upgrades. If WordPress makes any major updates, Flothemes may no longer be supported as well as it is right now because it’s built entirely in WP, and that could mean broken parts of your website that matter.

So now you’re thinking, ‘well, might as well move and get an upgrade out of the deal,” right?

Here’s how to get your website on Showit:

  1. Sign up for a free month of Showit with this link:
  2. You can start shopping for templates by designers, and I have a page *FULL* of the best designers, complete with discount codes, HERE.
  3. You’ll upload the SHARE KEY into your Showit account and start customizing the template to fit your brand and business.
  4. Lastly, you’ll log in to wherever your domain is hosted (like Godaddy) and change your DNS settings to point to your NEW website!

And voila! You could be up and running and out of the weeds in no time.

Wondering what’s different about Flothemes and Showit?

It’ll be a slight learning curve if you designed yours yourself on Flothemes, but you’ll find really quickly that the design freedom is unmatched on Showit. You can drag and drop canvases (sections) and easily change fonts, colors, and layouts, etc.

Showit is also not *built* within WordPress, but it still uses WordPress as the blogging platform, which means you get 1. the design freedom of Showit and 2. the SEO power of WordPress.

Need help?

If this all totally overwhelms you, that’s normal. Most of us didn’t start businesses to *be* web designers. I’ve got multiple options from just a little help to get you started or launched (VIP DAY) to my full signature template customization complete with an SEO specialist on board (and even a newly added MINI SITE LAUNCH option). You can view all the details HERE.

Have questions? Feel free to e-mail me at anytime.

xo, Courtney

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